Our Story
The United Minds Project is a service created by three individuals who are passionate to fight against the intergenerational stigma against mental health. Our mission is to provide a safe space for individuals to explore and address their mental health challenges through various supportive programs and resources. We believe in the power of open conversations, community support, and accessible mental health education.
Meet Our Team
Our team at Open Mind Project is comprised of dedicated individuals who are committed to creating a positive impact on mental health. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and experiences to provide comprehensive support to our community.

Aviral Mehta
UConn Student
Aviral is a Molecular and Cell Biology major with a strong commitment to healthcare, research, and mentorship. He is an intern and mentor at the Academic Achievement Center for the UConn Connects program, a medical assistant at an urgent care, and a researcher at the Korey Stringer Institute’s Mission Heat Lab. Additionally, he serves on the advisory board for the Hospital of Central Connecticut Volunteer Program.

Pratham Tallam
UConn Student
Pratham is a Honors Academic Excellence Scholar and a Physiology and Neurobiology major with a strong commitment to medicine, research, and education. He is currently an Emergency Medical Technician, a research assistant for the HAFTRAP study at UConn Health and Dr. Tanner’s Drosophila lab. Additionally, he serves as a teaching assistant for the UConn EMT training program and volunteers with the Telugu Association of Greater Boston

Faizdeenkhan Pathan
UConn Student
Faizdeenkhan is a Honors Stem Scholar and a Physiology and Neurobiology major with a strong commitment to service, leadership, and healthcare. He is currently a resident assistant for Busby Suites, a research assistant for the Mindful U project, a director for Global Health Spaces at Uconn and a volunteer licensed Emergency Medical Technician for Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Kristina Stevens, LCSW
Director of Mental Health
SHaW UConn

Dr. Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.
Director of Clinical Psychology

John Armstrong, M.Ed.
Associate Dean of Student